by Amer Zahr
Five days ago, the Palestinian people received a gift from the people of South Africa.
Last Tuesday, a massive 6-meter tall bronze statue of Nelson Mandela was unveiled in Ramallah. (That’s about 20 feet to us Americans.) The occasion was met with much fanfare, and the ceremony was led by the current president of the Palestinian Authority, Mahmoud Abbas.
Many seek to compare the current situation in Palestine to the history of South Africa. And there are, for sure, many similarities. Israel acts in much the same fashion as the Afrikaner regime of South Africa did. It segregates populations based on race/religion. It offers elevated governmental services and benefits to Jews. It allows Jews from anywhere in the world to gain immediate citizenship while denying the right of native Palestinian refugees to return. It builds separate roads for settlers. Its whole national identity is predicated upon belonging to a certain racial group. Israel is effectively an apartheid state. The analog to pre-1994 South Africa is clear. Weiterlesen