by Ludwig Watzal
In November this year, the British Conservative Party and the Zionists will commemorate the centenary of the Balfour Declaration (BD). For the Palestinians and the Arabs in general, it should be a day of mourning. No historical document has screwed up a region such as Lord Balfour’s letter to the Zionist Lord Rothschild promising him a „national home for the Jewish people.“
It opened the doors of a colonization and ethnic cleansing process in Palestine that has been going on ever since. This ongoing dispossession process has not only ruined Palestinian society but led to the Ghettoization of an entire people. Together with the infamous Sykes-Picot Agreement, both papers have screwed up the whole Middle East.
David Cronin is a journalist specializing in European politics. His book „Europe’s Alliance With Israel: Aiding the Occupation“ was extremely useful in providing arguments against Israel’s further privileging within the European Union. The author demonstrated how the EU over the years has been accommodating to Israel’s illegal occupation. “The European Union´s cowardice towards Israel is in stark contrast to the robust position it has taken when major atrocities have occurred in other conflicts.” Weiterlesen