by Elias Davidsson
In a decision adopted on May 17, 2019, the German parliament (Bundestag) condemned the so-called BDS campaign as “anti-Semitic” and banned the funding and sponsoring of popular associations that support this campaign. The BDS campaign [Boycott – Divestment – Sanctions] is a peaceful grass-roots effort carried out globally and supported by hundreds of Palestinian and Jewish organizations in opposition to Israeli violations of international law and human rights. It is supported by numerous Israelis and Jews who are genuinely concerned about the transformation of the State of Israel into a militaristic, fascist and racist entity.
By its resolution, members of the Bundestag expressed unwittingly their preference for militaristic and fascist Jews, such as Israeli leader Netanyahu, to civilized and educated Jews who try peacefully to bring sanity into the policies of the State of Israel. The reason for this preference may be found in a statement made by Golo Mann in a closed meeting of German industrialists on 14 June 1960. In that statement he said, what members of the Bundestag may only dare to say in private: Weiterlesen